80lb Bag Commercial Onondaga Mix Portland/Lime 'S' & 'N' - Portland, Lime


Cement / Foundation Coating - Masonry/Mortar/Portland - Concrete Repair/Patch/Grout - Sand - Miscellaenous - Spec Mix

A pre-blended mortar mix containing Portland cement and lime, masonry cement or mortar cement and dried masonry sand. May be used above or below grade when manufactured to appropriate specification.

Type 'N' - SMPLN80

  • 750 PSI

Type 'S' - SMPLS80

  • 1800 PSI


  • ASTM C-270, C-476, C-926


  • Mixing must be accomplished by using a mechanical mortar mixer to ensure homogeneity and workability. Using clean, potable water, add the maximum amount consistent with optimum workability.

Spec Sheet

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